Jana Martinová

Managing partner
Combination of analysis and strong intuition
career path
- in the field of executive search since 1996
- corporate experience in HR transformation and org. development
- speaks Czech, German, English, French and Russian
focus in Accord Group
- company management and care of key customers
- searching for candidates for senior positions at B and B-1 level for Czech and international clients
- passion for private equity and family businesses
- priority to customers from French, and German speaking countries
- projects beyond executive search: audits, assessments, mediation, succession
best of
- successfully managed MBO (with the help of other partners)
- founded the companies Solutions and AGIM (innovations that have proven their worth)
- for 20 years, she has maintained a stable company, in terms of personnel, competences and management
- co-founded AltoPartnters and gained respect from other partners
Jana is an experienced HR consultant, entrepreneur and manager of a small team. Her expertise has been developing during 20 years of engagement in executive search as well as when she was working in international corporations at the beginning of her career. She feels at home in many European languages and cultures - born in Germany, lives in the Czech Republic, has a French family.
She can quickly analyze the company’s situation and instantly feel the relationships and connections there. She acts as a partner to business owners, investors, managers and HR professionals. Customers inquire for her due to her ability to ask the right questions in order to quickly get to the heart of the matter, aptly label the problem, both design and deliver novel solutions. She always tries to combine a business approach with respect for people. She avoids easy solutions. She prefers the more persistent, albeit more elaborate ones.